Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars- Imperialism in China

From 1839-1842 the "Opium Wars" was fought between China and Britain. Britain needed tea from China because it has become a very popular drink in Britain. Chinese officials agreed to sell them tea but not buy anything from "western countries". Britain decided that they needed to "balance out their trade" so they sold Opium to chinese so they become addicted to it and keep buying from them in exchange for them buying tea. Chinese officials became furious and a war over opium started thats why its called the "Opium Wars". The Chinese were defeated by the British due to lack of modern technology.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

The hardships that the Europeans faced while traveling through Africa were not having knowledge of the terrain, basically the Europeans were going to the middle of Africa to find the source of the Nile River not knowing what they will have to face. Their supplies went by quick because there was almost no source of food or water for most of the time. They also came across African tribes which were violent and didn't want them on their land. But the Europeans overcame that by giving them stuff they have never seen before. 
Its strange that the lake is named Victoria because its Africa's lake not the British. The name still haven't changed till this day.
Europeans technology was way more advanced in any aspect of life and the Europeans dominated in Africa because of the guns. While the Africans had spears the Europeans had handguns that were feared by the natives. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

We did the imperialism project to understand what the areas of the world did the Europeans take over and managed and why. The Europeans needed natural resources for their industrial products so they sailed all over the world to other continents (Africa, both Americas, Asia, Australia) and with the help of the newest technology took control of them to obtain the natural resources, capture and send slaves to the New World. What I learned from the project was which countries took over the African, American, Middle-Eastern countries and Australia. Also I learned how each country benefited from taking control of an area.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx's idea of Communism Was that everyone gets payed "from each according to his skills, to each according  to his needs". He believed that the workers should govern their own country so it would be fair to everyone. There will be no private ownership, everyone would "share". Communism is a form of socialism, a classless society with no private ownership. Marx believed that his idea of Communism will stop people from taking advantage of one another, especially the things factory owners did to their workers. They always wanted to pay the workers less and less and have less benefits so they can get richer. So obviously Marx saw the workers as "good guys" and the factory owners/businessman as the "bad guys". Communism was applied to many countries' governments but not as something Karl Marx imagined.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx did not like The Industrial Revolution because he did not like the conditions that the European factories provided for the workers. They were harsh and unsafe. He believed that the workers should be in charge (control) of the factories rather than the landlords so there is no unfairness to anyone. Everyone is equal. The idea of Communism was born. The word Communism came from the word 'common' since it referred for all people[in that time workers]. Marx believed that everyone should be payed "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs". Another reason Marx did not like the Industrial Revolution was because his father had to convert from Judaism to Christianity in order to get a job. Marx said that "religion is opiate of the people", meaning that religion controls people like a drug. Therefore Marx did not believe in god.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism (or patriotism) is the love for your country and a willing to sacrifice for it. I'm nationalistic because I am proud of the fact that I'm Polish, I am not ashamed of it. I think that me just telling people and being proud of where I'm from shows that I am nationalistic.
During the first half of the 1800's three groups were struggling for leadership in European countries; The Conservatives were usually very wealthy land owners or nobility argued for keeping old monarchies (Kings and Queens) in the countries as the ones with power. The Liberals, middle-class men, businessmen and merchants wanted power for the elected. parliaments and the Radicals who wanted big changes and the spread of democracy. The idea of Nationalism sparked up. People believed that they shouldn't be loyal to a king or monarch but to their culture, language and people that have the same qualities. Between 1815 and 1848 people on territory on Italy did not want to live under foreign rule anymore

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was one of the greatest heros of all South America. He helped him conquer most of it from the Spanish and gained many countries independence. Bolivia was named after him (before it was a upper-state of Peru) in 1825. Bolivar was fighting for freedom of all the South America from the Spanish, influenced by the American and French revolutions.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

What is Scientific Method
Scientific method is a process of finding out if a certain theory about something is true or not. Its like an investigation to test a theory or an idea.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Evolution vs. Creation

Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution is based on an idea that we (humans) evolved from our look alike specie which we call monkeys over the course of billions of years. This theory was published by Charles Darwin.

Theory of Creation
The theory of evolution is based on the idea that God has created us and everything else in the world. This is a religion based theory of how we exist.

My Opinion
I'm Catholic so according to my religion I'm supposed to believe in the theory of creation. But when thinking about it a lot both theories have no 100% proof. So I just don't believe in any of them.
